New Suppliers

New Suppliers

Baxter considers price, quality, environmental criteria, human rights and other factors when selecting and evaluating its new suppliers. 

Baxter works to create mutually beneficial partnerships with our suppliers. If you are interested in doing business with Baxter and believe you have goods or services that will fit our needs, please register through our Registration Portal and create a profile.

Baxter also strives to increase the diversity of its supplier base and develop relationships with small, minority, women, LGBTQ, disabled, and veteran owned companies. Our commitment to inclusion extends beyond the workforce and seeks to contribute to economic stability in our local communities. If you are a diverse supplier, please use the registration form to upload your certification.

Due to the large volume of inquiries, we are not able to accept direct solicitations or follow-up beyond this submission. Be sure to include specific details about your company’s products and services during registration to increase your visibility within our company.

About Diversity, Quality and Compliance

Supplier Quality Standards

Supplier Quality Standards provide a consistent supplier evaluation process and standardized tools used to manage the relationships.  We believe that a shared commitment to conducting business with high ethical standards will enhance our business relationships.

Ethics & Compliance Standards

We believe that a shared commitment to conducting business with high ethical standards will enhance our business relationships. 

Diversity Supplier Registration

Diversity Supplier Registration
Current and New Suppliers

Diversity Supplier Registration and Proof of Certification

“Our value proposition of creating procurement opportunities with minorities, women, LGBTQ, veterans and disabled-owned business enterprises enables us to provide innovative products and therapies that save and sustain lives globally.”
Kelli Carney, Chief Procurement Officer

Our suppliers are encouraged to provide proof of certification. We monitor vendor certifications regularly and value certifications from one of the following organizations, although local/state certifications are also acceptable.

*Baxter is a National Corporate Member.